Are you having trouble keeping up with all the updates of your university? Academia student app all you need! The app designed uniquely for the higher education students of the 21st century. It is a complete university management app for Fee records, Attendance, Result, Assignment, Timetable, Announcements, Upcoming and previous event information, and more. It gives them all the essential features that they need to connect, stay updated with their institute. Students can access the great functionality that will help to manage their class more efficiently and effectively. * Features may vary as per the institution’s requirements; not all features/functionality will be available for all institutions. Please contact your institution’s staff to obtain your login credentials or for assistance with login-related questions.The benefits include:1. Handy access to academic information for students.2. Sharing of fees details & mark-sheets with students.3. Quick sharing of assignments and notifications with students. Note: Academia @ GU Mobile App is for students of GNA University Punjab. If you wish to use the app, you can contact Office Address for your credentials.